How to describe the area that I live in. Fairview North, Manzini. Bus stop- Esinlahleni. Which literally translates as 'the tree.' I've been given strict instructions to make sure I get on the correct khombi (bus) before I ask to get dropped off at esinlahleni, otherwise I will find myself at a tree just not the right tree. Its difficult to describe where I live when I seem to spend my time looking at the similarities between here and there, rather than the differences. Same people, some say hi, some Sawubona (hi in Swati), some holler goodness knows what out of the khombi as it goes past. The roads are dirt alcoves and driveways, connected by run-down asphalt main roads. Houses are a little worn, and often hidden behind concrete walls. At the moment all of the kids have the vuvuzelas (the long trumpet-like plastic instruments) for the world-cup- I woke up to the kids in a house across the road having an orchestra session with them at 8 in the morning. They were practicing last night, they are getting rather good.
Maybe I could describe the locale as a little tired, but not the people.
Anyway, this is my road. I walk down it to get the Khombi in the morning for work. Those are the kids who will have mastered the art of playing the world-cup vuvuzelas by mid July.
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